Patricia A Burke, MSW, LCSW, BCD, C-CATODSW, CCS Resume
997 Pequawket Trail West Baldwin Maine 04091 (207) 625-7012
Master of Social Work, Boston University School of Social Work, Casework, 1981.
Bachelor of Arts, Cum Laude, Brandeis University, Psychology, 1977.
2006-present Faculty, Union Institute & University, Vermont College Undergraduate Program, Psychology and Holistic Studies: Montpelier, VT.
1989-present Faculty, Rutgers School of Alcohol and Drug Studies, New Brunswick, NJ.
1999-present Instructor, Brown University Center of Alcohol Studies, Addiction Technology Transfer Center, Providence, RI.
1999-present Faculty, New England Institute of Addiction Studies, Augusta, ME.
2004-2005 Adjunct Faculty, Behavioral Health and Human Services Department, Southern Maine Community College, South Portland, ME.
2003- 2005 Faculty, Chaplaincy Institute of Maine, Portland, ME; an interfaith, post-denominational wisdom school.
2002-2003 Clinical Assistant Professor, University of New England School of Social Work, Portland, ME.
2000-2002 Adjunct Faculty, University of New England School of Social Work, Biddeford, ME.
1991-1995 Trainer, Rutgers University School of Social Work, Continuing Education Department, New Brunswick, NJ.
1993-1994 Faculty, North Carolina School of Alcohol and Drug Studies, Wilmington, NC.
1991- 1995 Adjunct Instructor, University of Southern Maine, Department of Social Work, Portland, ME.
1987-1989 Trainer, Massachusetts Division of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services, Boston, MA.
1987-1988 Consultant/Clinical Supervisor, STAIR Project, Mattapan. MA; a residential addictions treatment program.
1989-1991 Clinical Director, Smith House, Portland, ME; an intensive outpatient addictions treatment program.
1985-1986 Clinical Coordinator, Valle Associates/Massachusetts Department of Corrections, Boston, MA; an in-house addictions treatment program at the Longwood minimum security prison facility.
1986-present Psychotherapist/Addictions and Trauma Consultant, Private Practice, West Baldwin, ME.
1983-1985 Alcoholism Counselor/ Family Therapist, Bay Colony Health Services, Woburn, MA; outpatient chemical dependency program.
1981-1983 Alcoholism Treatment Specialist, South Shore Mental Health Center, Quincy, MA; outpatient alcoholism and adult units.
1980-1981 Clinical Social Worker (Intern), Somerville Mental Health Center, Somerville, MA; outpatient and adult units.
1978-1979 Vocational Services Coordinator/Counselor, Court Alternative Placement Program, Waltham, MA; an urban district court alternative sentencing program.
1977 Child Care Counselor, Green Tree Advocates, Brockton, MA.
1981-1983 Research Associate, Boston University School of Social Work, Boston, MA.
2004-present Board Member, Tri-County Mental Health Services, Auburn, ME; a community-based mental health agency.
2004-2005 Board Member, Chaplaincy Institute of Maine, Portland, ME; an interfaith, post-denominational wisdom school.
1974-1979 Council Member, Waltham, Watertown, Belmont Council For Children; a citizen advocacy organization for children's services, Watertown, MA.